



Your first semester of college is a big transition, so we'll do our best to help you figure it out.

We give you an array of services and resources to ensure your success while you're here – and in the future.

你是否需要一些辅导, 学习住宿, or a conversation about your future goals and a plan to reach them, 我们一直都在你身边, 准备好帮忙了吗.

辅导、补充指导和写作帮助 了解住宿,以帮助您实现



A professor is an educator, but at SAU, professors are so much more. 他们的导师, 啦啦队, and counselors during all the challenges and triumphs in your collegiate journey. Alongside them are a host of support personnel for 辅导, 测试准备, 课程建议, 还有更多.



退伍军人、家庭 & 退伍

有军事关系? 我们都很关注你.




南澳大学图书馆 provides an environment that encourages intellectual and cultural endeavors; an ongoing pursuit of answers; and personal growth.

最重要的是, we have qualified and experienced staff 准备好帮忙了吗 you as well as resources that are accessible on-campus and across the world.


At every turn, help is abundant because we want to see you succeed! In this video, three students describe their situation and how they got the help they needed.



在你开始上课之前的那个夏天, you'll be assigned an academic advisor who will meet with you and discuss your educational goals. 

你在SAU可不只是个号码, so don't be surprised when your advisor starts asking questions about you – where you're from, 你觉得有趣的是什么?, 你的大学生活过渡得怎么样了, and how we can help you have a successful first year experience. 你的指导老师会指导你的 通识教育要求, suggest a four-year plan of study that leads to graduation, and help you figure out a schedule that works for you.

除了和你的导师一起工作, 你将参加新生研讨会, 扩展的迎新课程. It's designed to teach you effective time management; note-taking and test taking skills; and inform you about campus resources and academic policies.

Once you declare a major and are accepted into that program, you'll start working with an advisor within that department. Your advisor, who is also a faculty member, works with you for the remainder of your academic career.

很多时候,他们做得更多. Students and alumni have told us their advisor was more of a personal mentor, and that relationship often continues after graduation.

我们的 faculty have deep knowledge and experience within their respective fields and willingly share their experiences and guidance with students. 在SAU,我们希望你成功.

问题? 联系咨询办公室 Advising@wolaipei.com or 563-333-6339.


我们的 退伍军人招募及服务 office helps veterans and service members with their transition to college as well as understanding benefits for dependents.

We also provide assistance with federal and state benefits and can connect you to various campus and community resources. We advocate for our students and coordinate outreach to local schools, 雇主, 退伍军人服务组织.

退伍军人, 现役军人, and their dependents account for more than 5% of our total student body. 根据最近的一项调查, they are overwhelmingly pleased with the support and welcome they receive when joining the SAU community.

有问题吗?? 联系Natalie Woodhurst: 退伍军人@wolaipei.com. She not only leads this office – she's a veteran and an SAU alumnus, too.


的 学术和职业规划 supports students and alumni in their quest for a fulfilling profession in so many ways.

我们帮助您确定和发展职业目标, 指导你的个人写作, 提供模拟面试, and connect you with internships and professional mentors. We help you get in touch with SAU alumni who are working in your intended career field and provide networking opportunities throughout the year.

我们也提供握手, 校友或学生可以发布个人资料的网站, 上传一个汇汇表, 报名参加校内招聘, 找一份全职工作, 兼职, 校园工作, 和实习.

We encourage you to visit the career center early in your academic career, and visit often.

See even more career help in the My学术和职业规划 Portal.


圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 咨询中心 免费提供给我们的学生, one-on-one support; confidential counseling; mental health screenings; and more in a supportive and collaborative environment.

我们的 licensed, professional counselors can help you sort out issues you are facing. Federal and state laws along with professional ethical standards prohibit the disclosure of any information you provide us unless we have your proper written consent. 我们维护你的客户权利.

预约电话:563-333-6423. If you prefer to receive professional counseling off campus, we will be happy to refer you to or identify appropriate agencies, 中心, 或者私人医生.


All undergraduate SAU students have access to free academic support services – 辅导, 补充说明, 学习小组,通过 学生成功中心. 的 Center also provides 辅导 and general study skills for students whose first language is not English.

We make it easy to schedule 辅导 on MySAU Portal. 所有服务都在低压环境下提供, which is why our students are quick to take advantage of the extra help. Last year, students made more than 9,000 visits to the Center.

我们的同伴导师培训项目是由 大学阅读与学习协会, an international organization of professionals active in the fields of reading, 学习帮助, 发展教育, 辅导, 以及大学/成人层面的辅导.


At SAU, all students get the chance to demonstrate their academic abilities. 我们的 无障碍资源中心 does not lower course standards or alter degree requirements. It does offer services and reasonable accommodations intended to reduce the effects a disability may have on your performance in a traditional academic setting.

服务包括学术建议, 宣传, 其他考试安排, 辅助技术, 其他格式的书籍, 辅助听力设备, 学习障碍专家, 注意接受者, 筛选和推荐, 手语翻译, 其他住宿, and staff can serve as a liaison with outside agencies.

SAU's 无障碍资源中心 goes beyond federal law to provide strong programming and support services, 并得到了全国的认可. 今年春天,大学选择.网将山东大学列为全国最具竞争力的大学之一 50 Best Disability Friendly Colleges and Universities in the U.S. 


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